
Is Invisalign Safe?

Misaligned and protruding teeth, believe it or not, are one of the most common reasons for which people visit a dentist in Newmarket. Protruding teeth not only look strange, but they may also restrict the way for other teeth to grow and can cause problems in chewing later on. This is why dentists recommend getting misaligned teeth on the path to straightening them out immediately. Orthodontists often suggest that pre-adolescence and adolescence are the best time for this dental procedure.

However, it is not just the young who face this problem. Often times, and embarrassingly so, adults have to deal with protruding teeth which affects their overall confidence and self-esteem.

The answer to their problems? Invisalign.

Invisalign in Newmarket used a clear tray that is developed through an impression of the wearer’s mouth and positioning of teeth in it. It slowly adjusts the teeth back into position for a healthier, straighter smile.
However, a lot of people have their qualms about Invisalign. Is it safe, they ask? While safety is definitely an important issue in this regard, rest assured, Invisalign in Newmarket is absolutely safe and as effective, if not more, than regular braces which use metal and rubber to pull the teeth back into position.
Invisalign does not have any side effects. In fact, unlike with regular braces, Invisalign does not even require a few teeth to be pulled out before the procedure of straightening can be started.
Invisalign in Newmarket works invisibly and can be worn by anyone eligible for the procedure. It ensures a bright smile in no time, and without any possible dangers, as it does not require extra maintenance!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street inNewmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Is Visiting a Teeth Whitening Clinic Worth My Time?

If you are concerned about yellowing teeth and how it is affecting your self-esteem and confidence, then you surely have heard of a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket. A teeth whitening clinic is what has taken the world by storm. It is a one stop solution for all dental problems relating to teeth that are yellowing or are suffering the effects of aging.

Yellowing of teeth occurs due to a natural process, whereby the enamel of the teeth thins down and wears out, making the teeth appear yellow. In other cases, discoloration occurs due to a similar process. Protecting the enamel is thus extremely important, as it affects the overall color the teeth take.

A teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket is dedicated to ensuring that your smile is overall healthy and glowing and that your teeth are evenly colored white.

However, a lot of people naturally have questions regarding whether a teeth whitening clinic is worth their time or not. Just like many other advertisements and fads, a teeth whitening clinic might seem like any other trend, but it is far from one! Here is why:

  1. A teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket is, hands down, your best bet when it comes to ensuring your teeth are back to their pristine condition in no time. It is totally dedicated to providing results as quickly as possible.
  2. A teeth whitening clinic also employs safe and effective methods, performed by a Dentist in Newmarket who has experience in the field. Any unlikely emergency can be averted.
  3. A teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket gives the most long-lasting results when it comes to teeth whitening.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

How Often Should You Visit a Dentist Office as an Adolescent?

Adolescence is the time for young adults to be carefree and to enjoy their lives to the fullest. However, sometimes, adolescents tend to ignore the need to visit a dentist office in Newmarket, which doesn’t mean that they do not have to follow up on their oral health through regular visits to the dentist office in Newmarket!

In fact, as some dentists suggest, it is imperative that adolescents visit a dentist office in Newmarket more regularly, as their bodies are going through a change which needs to be monitored, or it could lead to complications. For example, excessive consumption of junk food, including sodas that are extremely high in sugar, can damage not just the enamel and lead to yellowing and discolouration of teeth, but can also lead to cavities. In which case, visiting a dentist in Newmarket becomes a necessity. So it is advised that adolescents visit a dentist office regularly for check-ups and to ensure that everything is fine with their teeth.

How often should adolescents visit a dentist in Newmarket? This is where one must pay attention, as it varies from person to person.

  1. For a regular adolescent, it is advised that they visit a dentist office once in every four to six months, as it is advised to adults.
  2. For adolescents who have had dental issues in the past, including cavities or other problems, it is advised that they visit a dentist more regularly.
  3. For adolescents with protruding teeth, they must visit an orthodontist as per their scheduled visits. The dentist office in Newmarket often makes a schedule for people undergoing orthodontic treatment, which they must adhere to.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street inNewmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Visiting a Dental Clinic for Routine Check Ups

It is no surprise that most people severely neglect their dental health. The start to good oral health begins with caring for one’s oral health regularly. There are two facets to good oral hygiene:

  • Caring for one’s oral health by adopting good dental practices, like brushing, flossing and cleaning one’s tongue regularly. It is also advisable to rinse one’s mouth with a mouthwash containing fluoride after every meal, as it offers long lasting protection from germs and cavities.
  • The other important facet is to visit a dental clinic in Newmarket regularly to get routine check ups done by a professional. This includes dental cleanings and regular check-ups at a kids dental clinic that ensure that everything is okay when it comes to your teeth. Visiting dentist in Newmarket for routine check-ups is an important factor in ensuring that long-term benefits of good oral health can be reaped later on. The foundation to good dental health during old age, for example, begins with routine check-ups at a dental clinic in Newmarket from an early age.

If you are planning on visiting a dental clinic in Newmarket anytime soon, remember that there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that your regular routine check ups give you the maximum benefit you can get.
1. Ensure that the dental clinic you are visiting keeps meticulous records of your dental history, which should include every visit to the dental clinic.
2. Also ensure that your dental clinic in Newmarket visit is comfortable and that your dentist answers any questions you have, and keeps you updated on your dental health.
For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Questions To Ask Dentists- Answered!

You may have often wondered about the many complex procedures that go on in a dental procedure. Every procedure begins with a prior appointment, which is when the symptoms of a lurking dental problem are examined by the dentist in Newmarket Dental office. In a case where dentists in Newmarket, spot any cause of concern, there is a further examination of the problem, through dental X-rays, during which a closer look can be taken at the shape and position of one’s teeth. After the X-Ray comes to the diagnosis, and the dentist recommends a procedure that would fix the problem. The last stage is when the procedure is performed, and the problem, hopefully, ceases to exist.
And we are sure there might be some questions you would want to ask dentists in Newmarket, which is why here are the most frequently asked questions to dentists in Newmarket, worldwide, with their answers!

  1. Are dental X-Rays safe?
    Like any other X-Ray, a dental X-Ray involves using radiation to produce an image of the internal organ. While exposure to any kind of radiation can be potentially harmful, X-Rays are usually administered with a lot of care and precaution. Plus, it might be necessary to get one in order for dentists in Newmarket, to diagnose the problem and try and fix it.
  2. What kind of toothpaste should one use?
    When it comes to toothpaste, there are so many brands and kinds out there that it can get confusing to narrow it down to a single one. However, as a rule of thumb, it is advisable to go for one that has fluoride, a cavity-preventing agent.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Does Invisalign Require Tooth Extraction Beforehand?

Invisalign in Newmarket is taking the world of dentistry by storm. As far as orthodontists are concerned, they are more than willing to recommend this new solution to protruding teeth. Invisalign involves using a clear tray made of good quality medical grade plastic that hold the teeth back and slowly but surely put them back into shape. The plastic trays basically replace the age old braces made up of metal and rubber that are clearly visible and require a lot of attention by the wearer to ensure that their oral health remains in good condition.
Invisalign in Newmarket thus has become the more desirable option when it comes to fixing teeth that are protruding. Dentists in Newmarket says that since it is clear plastic, it does not show and can be easily worn and removed at the wearer’s convenience. Most adults prefer using Invisalign to correct teeth that grow out wayward and spoil a perfect smile.

  1. Since Invisalign in Newmarket uses a plastic tray to fix the teeth, it is moulded and made according to the impression of the wearer’s teeth. This is a more comfortable, acceptable and esthetic option for adults and teens.
  2. The Invisalign in Newmarket tray comes with power ridges and attachments which make wearing it much easier. This also ensures that an overbite or extreme pain, or any such complication can be fixed and it is convenient to do so.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

How To Make Your Kid Comfortable at the Kids Dentist

It can often be a huge task for parents to take their kids to a kids dentist in Newmarket. However, it is absolutely necessary that from a very early age, kids be put into the habit of maintaining good oral health, be it regular brushing of teeth, or visiting the kids dentist in Newmarket.

A kids dentist is usually a better option for taking your kid to the dentist office in Newmarket because a kids dentist is well trained with dental issues surrounding kids and are also more equipped to deal with them. Further, they are more experienced with treating children and are more likely to make your child feel comfortable about being in the dentist’s chair!


There are some things that you, as a parent, can do to ensure that your child is comfortable at the kids dentist’s clinic. Here is a quick start as to how you can ensure your kid doesn’t have a breakdown at the kids dentist office in Newmarket!


  1. Start by ensuring that you kid knows the purpose of the visit. When it comes to a regular visit to a Dentist in Newmarket, just let your kid know that it’s just a check up and is important for good oral health. Explain oral health to your kid, and you should be good to go!
    2. Once at the kids dentist in Newmarket office, act cool and calm, even if you are a little nervous yourself! You kid looks up to you for support, so ensure that no signs of stress are visible to your child.
  2. Have the kids dentist in Newmarket talk to your child and be conversational and chatty, if you are concerned that your kid is feeling anxious. Often reassuring words from the kids dentist help better than the same words from you!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

Why Does a Root Canal Still Hurt?

A root canal treatment is one of the most common dental treatments being performed these days. According to endodontists, a root canal treatment is performed to save a tooth that has become severely decayed or infected. As the lifestyle of masses changes, and includes unhealthy additions like neglecting oral health and excessive consumption of sugars and alcohol, the risks of having a root canal in Newmarket are also going up.

A root canal in Newmarket aims to save the pulp of the infected tooth and replace it with specific rubber – like material named gutta-percha. The aim is to allow the tooth to survive so that it doesn’t have to be pulled out. The most common and obvious symptom of the need of a root canal treatment is pain, which can occur in varying degrees. However, a lot of people who undergo root canal in Newmarket complain of pain even after the treatment, which is something that worries those going in for the treatment in Newmarket Dentist office!

Endodontists usually explain the pain through some reasons-

  1. It might take time for the pain and inflammation to go even after the root canal treatment has been performed. The ligament takes some time to get better, during which time a person might experience pain.
  2. Pain is also an accepted side effect of any surgery according to Dentist in Newmarket.
  3. In case of a root canal in Newmarket, the tooth is at it’s most sensitive phase after the surgery, which is why a version to extreme hot or cold foods might be commonly felt.

Endodontists recommend letting the tooth heal naturally, but if your symptoms are worse and the pain is unbearable, do visit an endodontist immediately! For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

What Are the Steps to a Teeth Whitening Procedure?


You must have come across teeth whitening in Newmarket procedures and how they are not only effective but also last way longer than over the counter gels, creams, and toothpaste. Teeth whitening procedures have seen the peak of their popularity in the past few years because they promise efficiency while delivering a perfect white smile.

While teeth whitening has been around for decades, it has only recently become common, because teeth whitening according to Dentist in Newmarket has its benefits that cannot be overlooked.

However there might be people who are curious about what entails teeth whitening in Newmarket, or they might take their decision only when they are assured of the safety of the procedure.

Here are the basic steps to a teeth whitening procedure:


  1. First and foremost, a dentist at Dentist office in Newmarket will evaluate the condition of your teeth and decide whether a teeth whitening will be safe and effective, based on your present dental condition and previous medical record. This is an important step as it is a preventive measure, to prevent any kind of reactions etc. on the enamel.
  2. Secondly, a whitening agent is applied after cleaning the teeth. The teeth whitening agent is a bleach and effectively whitens the enamel of the tooth. This teeth whitening agent usually contains hydrogen peroxide, a common and effective bleach.
  3. The teeth whitening agent is then activated by a laser, which will quicken the process of teeth whitening in Newmarket and lead to more effective results. The laser is applied as part of the procedure by dentists in Newmarket as it prolongs the effects of the treatment.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.


To- Do Before visiting a Kids dentist office

An important point to check off one’s to do list before having a child is ensuring that adequate and good quality medical care is available for your child around your place of residence. This obviously includes basic things like first aid but also includes dental care, which is as important in regular times and during bi-annual check-ups as it is during a dental emergency. So when it comes to ensuring that your kid has access to a good dentist around you, it is necessary that you visit a kids dentist office in Newmarket yourself and make sure that the clinic is organised and the paediatric dentist is trained and experienced in treating children with their oral & gum health issues.

Before visiting a dentist office in Newmarket, however, there might be a few things that you would want to check off your to do list to make sure that your child has a pleasurable experience and is not hassled at all. Check out this easy to-do that will help your kid’s visit to a dentist in Newmarket be a fruitful one:

  1. Visiting a kids dentist office in Newmarket for the first time can be quite intimidating and daunting for a kid, so make sure that you are there to alleviate any fears your kid might harbor with respect to the visit. Talk to your child beforehand, explaining that there is nothing to worry about and the instruments at the kids dentist office in Newmarket are not going to harm your child. These days, phone apps can be downloaded to allow children to play games that acquaint them with a dentist’s work.
  2. Carry all important documents, including your child’s medical records and insurance papers. A dentist might need to look at your child’s past medical records so as to have a better understanding of his overall medical health. It is also advised that you carry insurance papers to the kids dentist office in Newmarket to avoid any payment hassles.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

Why Go For a Teeth Whitening Treatment?

A teeth whitening treatment is all the rage these days, and there is no surprise as to why a bright, shining smile is known to enhance a person’s self esteem and is one great factor in boosting their self image. A clean, white set of teeth indicate not only good oral and gum health but also that a person takes time out to ensure that they are well maintained and presentable.

Thus teeth whitening in Newmarket has gained massive popularity among every group of people. Anyone who prefers a set of white pearly teeth over dull, yellowing ones is known to be an ardent follower of trends in teeth whitening in Newmarket, which include some slightly effective home remedies like:

1.        Lime Juice
While lime juice is definitely known for its teeth whitening properties, it is not advised that it be used to enhance the natural whiteness of one’s teeth. According to the dentist in Newmarket lime juice is highly acidic, which is abrasive to the enamel of the tooth. A damaged enamel can lead to extreme sensitivity and can lead to further yellowing of the tooth in the future.

2.        Charcoal
Again, another effective home remedy. However the problem with this is that most charcoal that is available in the market and is sold as a whitener is usually not pure charcoal and is mixed with harmful chemicals which can damage the tooth.

Thus, while home remedies can help provide a temporary shine, it is advisable to visit dentist office in Newmarket for teeth whitening for those who would like permanent results without being exposed to harmful chemicals known to damage the sensitivity of a tooth.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Are All Dentists the Same?

If you are beginning to take care of your oral health anew, or if you are just curious regarding dentistry, there is one question that you might be flustered with – are all dentists the same? Dentists in Newmarket are an integral part of taking care of one’s health, as they ensure that one’s oral health is kept in good condition and any problems within the ambit of dentistry can be tackled without any hassles. Thus dentist office in Newmarket must be visited regularly, not only to get adequate treatment in case of dental problems but also to get a regular check-up that will ensure that any dental problems can be foreseen and tackled well in time to avoid complications. So whether it is your kid you need to have shown to the dentist or an old relative, here are the three basic kinds of dentists for all age groups!

  1. When it comes to regular dental check-ups, you may visit a general dentist. General dentists are highly trained dentists in Newmarket who can determine the kind of problem you might be facing and how to mitigate the same. A general dentist is also trained to conduct regular checkups and ensure that everything is well when it comes to a person’s oral health!
  2. Pediatric or Kids dentists in Newmarket are especially trained to treat children’s teeth. Since kids have more delicate teeth and gums they do require special care when it comes to their oral health. Thus a pediatric dentist is a good idea to have your kid shown to.3. A geriodontist, also called a geriatric dentist, looks after maintaining the good oral health of the aged. As with children, old people also have delicate oral systems which need special care.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Does Invisalign Hurt a Lot?

A lot of people, while opting to get their teeth straightened out by an orthodontist, are confused as to whether invisalign in Newmarket is a better option than regular braces or not. A number of common factors come up to measure which of the two options is better- visibility, pain, duration, effectiveness etc, among other things. But when it comes to pain, there is a certain threshold beyond which people are understandably not willing to go. This is where Invisalign comes in. To be sure, invisalign in Newmarket is not, in any way, completely pain-free. As is the natural course of correcting one’s teeth, the process is bound to be painful. But the degree of pain can vary from very little, to extremely painful.

1.The reason that invisalign in Newmarket is preferred over regular braces which use metal and rubber bands is that it does not show and can thus be worn without any fear of damaging one’s confidence. Also, according to dentists in Newmarket, Invisalign is relatively easier to wear and remove and does not demand all the extra attention and care that regular braces do.

2.As far as pain is concerned, invisalign in Newmarket only hurts for most people in the initial days of having the aligner trays adjusted to one’s set of teeth. This means that once the aligner trays are well adjusted, the pain subsides. If any, there is discomfort due to the soreness that comes from having the teeth being pushed into position.

Thus invisalign in Newmarket is a more comfortable option for those wishing to set their teeth straight!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

Tips for Reducing Braces Pain

The decision to get braces is a major one and only after a dentist in Newmarket recommends it, one might go for it. And the best thing is that you’ll be assured a healthy and gorgeous smile after that! During the whole process, there might be days when a person feels a bit uneasy with the brace’s wires. Thankfully, braces aren’t permanent and are removed in a few days. Throughout the treatment, you must visit your dentist in Newmarket and follow up every month or six weeks. Other than that, there are a few recommendations that might help deal with the uneasiness that accompanies installation of braces.

  1. Ice Packs

Ice is one of the surefire ways of reducing the discomfort caused by braces wires. Whenever you feel your mouth is sore, just grab a cold pack or some cold food item like ice cream to reduce swelling and accompanied pain.


  1. Gargle with Lukewarm Salt Water

Most of the dentists in Newmarket recommended swishing mouth with lukewarm salt water to reduce inflammation immediately.


  1. Over-the-Counter Pain Killers

Those who find it extremely discomforting at times to deal with braces, painkillers as suggested by dentists in Newmarket would work the best. It is important to seek suggestion from a dentist as proper dosage must be administered.


  1. Gum Massage

As a massage would ease your body pain, similarly gum massage would benefit the pain in teeth & gum health. Use your fingers to softly massage in and around of the gums and it would surely help.


For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Kids Dentist for Children with Special Needs

If you are the parent to a kid with special needs, you might be aware of how difficult it can be for you and your child to do even the simplest of things. And when it comes to visiting a kid’s dentist in Newmarket, things are no different. Visiting a dentist is as important for a child with special needs as it is for anyone else. Again, a visit every six months would be desirable and profitable to maintain your child’s oral & gum health.

Apart from making sure that the dentist in Newmarket you have chosen to take your child to an experienced and who is well versed in his practice, you might need to go a step further in ensuring your kid has the maximum fun during the visit.

If you are soon to take your child to a kid’s dentist, and you are nervous about how things will go, then there are some simple remedies you could avail to make sure that the kid’s dentist as well as your kid have a profitable session and look forward to more.

Some of these are:

  • Have a session with the kid’s dentist in Newmarket It would be a good idea to visit the dentist separately and talk to her/him about your child’s requirements. The kid’s dentist will have a better understanding of any sensitivities that your child faces.
  • Devise a plan with the kid’s dentist. The plan would outline the kind of session the kid’s dentist will have with your child. This is to ensure that there are no hiccups and the kid’s dentist is prepared in advance for the patient with special needs.
  • Talk about any past medical complications your child has. The kids dentist in Newmarket will get a better understanding of what exactly needs to be the target when treating the child with an oral issue.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in

Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.