
Why East River Dental Care Trusts Straumann Dental Implants

Until the day comes where medical research advances to the point that humans can actually “grow” new teeth, dental implants will remain the best option to replace missing teeth.

At East River Dental Care, we have more than 30 years experience as a professional dental practice and take pride in using the most advanced and latest technologies to provide our clients with the highest-quality care. That’s why use the highest quality Straumann implants to perform tooth replacement procedures.

Keeping Our Patients Best Interests in Mind
The decision to replace a missing tooth with dental implants can be a hard choice to make, but they are almost always an excellent investment in your oral health. Implants are now the standard care for missing teeth, proven more effective than crown and bridge because they look, feel and function like natural teeth.

Dental implants also help to prevent bone loss and don’t require adjacent teeth to be ground down. Whether you are missing one tooth, multiple teeth, or all of your teeth, Straumann dental implants are produced using state-of-the-art technology to provide you with a healthy, natural looking smile.

Not All Implants Are Created Equally
Straumann’s implants deliver some of the most advanced dental implant surfaces and high-performance implant materials on the market. The Roxolid implant is manufactured from Titanium-Zirconium, a metal alloy created specifically for dental implants.

The alloy is stronger and more resistant than pure titanium. It delivers high osteoconductivity and high mechanical strength. Because of its biomechanical implant design and size, Roxoloid implants helped 54% of patients in a clinical, non-interventional study avoid costly bone augmentation surgery.

The SLActive implant is also a popular choice among dentists, designed to bond faster with bone, reduce healing time and improve the predictability of implant treatment.

Straumann’s implants, which have shown a 98.8% survival rate in long-term clinical studies, help to prevent bone loss, avoid shifting teeth and changes in facial structure, while maintaining the health of your remaining natural teeth.

Less-Invasive Procedures
Our implant procedures are designed to be as least-invasive as possible, particularly procedures in compact spaces. Our Straumann implants deliver some of the most advanced dental implant surface and materials on the market to shorten treatment times.

All of our implant procedures are performed by our gum specialist, who has placed thousands of implants and has extensive experience. Once our gum specialist has identified the exact area for the implant, it is surgically inserted into the predetermined locations in the jawbone. This is a minor procedure that typically requires only local freezing to eliminate any pain, but we practice extreme precision to ensure an aesthetic outcome.

In many cases, we wait between 3 to 6 months before attaching a crown to allow your jawbone to develop an affinity with the metal alloy implant and ensure long-term durability. Once your gums heal, a permanent crown is fixed to the implant. Your dentist will determine whether the crown will be screwed or cemented in place depending on the type of implant used.

Quality Care Requires Quality Technologies
East River Dental prides itself on providing over 30 years of quality dental care. We’ve made a commitment to using the highest quality technologies to perform and compliment our dental care services. Don’t let the idea of a dental implant procedure overwhelm you: our high-tech Straumann implants and precision procedures help to prevent bone loss, maintain the health of your remaining natural teeth and give you a natural-looking smile you’ll be proud to show off.

Should You be Worried Before a Teeth Whitening Session?

It is hardly surprising that teeth whitening in Newmarket is the new big thing these days. In almost no time it is possible to having a set of pearly white teeth that stay in their pristine condition for long, provided that they are taken care of. Teeth whitening clinics are therefore one of the most commonly visited clinics in these days, and for good reason-

  1. What happens at a teeth whitening in Newmarket is particularly interesting. A whitening agent, like hydrogen peroxide, is applied to the teeth in the form of a paste. A dentist will then use a laser light and shine it on the teeth so as to quicken the process of teeth whitening. At a teeth whitening clinic, a dentist is usually experienced and trained well enough to handle any inadvertent mistakes that arise out of the treatment.
  2. It is still understandable that some people prefer to employ home remedies to whiten their teeth naturally, through methods that do not involve using chemical agents. These remedies vary from kitchen essentials like sugar and lime, to pastes, trays and creams that are available over the counter at drug stores. While these home remedies can provide a temporary effect, dentists generally do not recommend these home remedies for teeth whitening, because most of them can be damaging to the enamel and can cause more harm than good. Also, these remedies are not long lasting and wear out soon.
  3. In comparison, a teeth whitening by a dentist in Newmarket promises lasting results that one can bank upon. There is absolutely no reason to fear a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket, since the process of teeth whitening is not known to be uncomfortable or painful.


To review our previous blog click here.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Signs of a Good Dental Clinic

A dental appointment is an unavoidable part of taking care of one’s overall physical health. Thus it is imperative that a visit to a dental clinic be made regularly, in order to ensure that everything is alright when it comes to one’s dental health. While at the dental clinic, however, there are a bunch of signs that communicate to you whether a dental clinic in Newmarket is worth the visit or not. Despite everything, a dental clinic must be clean and neat, and well organized in order to function as a successful dental clinic. Here’s why:

  1. When it comes to any medical clinic, cleanliness is of utmost importance. Cleanliness ensures that no bacteria and virus proliferate within the sensitive premise of the dental clinic in Newmarket, which itself strives to be a place for treatment. As it is very easy for germs to multiply within a clinic, it becomes difficult to treat the smallest of germs before they are disposed off properly. Thus cleanliness ensures that no such live virus are present in the dental clinic and the clinic functions as a place for treatment, and not as a house for germs.
  2. A neat and organised dental clinic in Newmarket is a sure shot sign of a clinic where medical records and medication is kept meticulously, which reduces the scope for any kind of misinformation, and/or loss of records, which can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s treatment.
  3. Professionalism on behalf of the dentist and the staff also indicates a dental clinic in Newmarket which functions highly on a professional code of conduct.

To review our previous blog click here.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com OR call on 905-895-8031.

Taking Your Kid to a Kids Dentist Office for Cavities

To the dismay of dentists around the world, most people live their lives oblivious of their deteriorating dental & gum health. The reason being that good oral habits are not instilled in them as kids, which leads to them severely neglecting their dental health throughout their lives. Thus taking your kid to a kids dentist office in Newmarket from a very young age is extremely important. Not only will this desensitize your kids and make them comfortable in front of a dentist in Newmarket from a very young age, but it will also make them conscious of their dental health from a young age and make them active in caring for their teeth.

When it comes to dental cavities, a lot of kids do have to visit a dentist office in Newmarket for having their cavities either filled or have the infected tooth extracted. This is because dental cavities occur mostly in teeth that are exposed to highly sugary foods, along with foods that are sticky and lodge themselves in between teeth and make it tough to be cleaned. Visiting a kids dentist office in Newmarket will give you a better idea as to how dental cavities work when it comes to kids, and what you can do to prevent them.

Here is a list of things you could consider when taking your kid to the kids dentist office in Newmarket for cavities:

1. Consider whether your child might need some time to adjust to being examined by a dentist at a kids dentist office in Newmarket. Especially when it comes to having cavities filled or removed, things can get shaky.

2. Ensure your child follows a better diet following the removal of cavities so as to prevent another formation of cavities in the future.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street inNewmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

Why Go For a Teeth Whitening Treatment?

A teeth whitening treatment is all the rage these days, and there is no surprise as to why a bright, shining smile is known to enhance a person’s self esteem and is one great factor in boosting their self image. A clean, white set of teeth indicate not only good oral and gum health but also that a person takes time out to ensure that they are well maintained and presentable.

Thus teeth whitening in Newmarket has gained massive popularity among every group of people. Anyone who prefers a set of white pearly teeth over dull, yellowing ones is known to be an ardent follower of trends in teeth whitening in Newmarket, which include some slightly effective home remedies like:

1.        Lime Juice
While lime juice is definitely known for its teeth whitening properties, it is not advised that it be used to enhance the natural whiteness of one’s teeth. According to the dentist in Newmarket lime juice is highly acidic, which is abrasive to the enamel of the tooth. A damaged enamel can lead to extreme sensitivity and can lead to further yellowing of the tooth in the future.

2.        Charcoal
Again, another effective home remedy. However the problem with this is that most charcoal that is available in the market and is sold as a whitener is usually not pure charcoal and is mixed with harmful chemicals which can damage the tooth.

Thus, while home remedies can help provide a temporary shine, it is advisable to visit dentist office in Newmarket for teeth whitening for those who would like permanent results without being exposed to harmful chemicals known to damage the sensitivity of a tooth.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Tips for Reducing Braces Pain

The decision to get braces is a major one and only after a dentist in Newmarket recommends it, one might go for it. And the best thing is that you’ll be assured a healthy and gorgeous smile after that! During the whole process, there might be days when a person feels a bit uneasy with the brace’s wires. Thankfully, braces aren’t permanent and are removed in a few days. Throughout the treatment, you must visit your dentist in Newmarket and follow up every month or six weeks. Other than that, there are a few recommendations that might help deal with the uneasiness that accompanies installation of braces.

  1. Ice Packs

Ice is one of the surefire ways of reducing the discomfort caused by braces wires. Whenever you feel your mouth is sore, just grab a cold pack or some cold food item like ice cream to reduce swelling and accompanied pain.


  1. Gargle with Lukewarm Salt Water

Most of the dentists in Newmarket recommended swishing mouth with lukewarm salt water to reduce inflammation immediately.


  1. Over-the-Counter Pain Killers

Those who find it extremely discomforting at times to deal with braces, painkillers as suggested by dentists in Newmarket would work the best. It is important to seek suggestion from a dentist as proper dosage must be administered.


  1. Gum Massage

As a massage would ease your body pain, similarly gum massage would benefit the pain in teeth & gum health. Use your fingers to softly massage in and around of the gums and it would surely help.


For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Benefits of Visiting a Teeth Whitening Clinic

It is no surprise that a lot of people these days like to visit a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket to have their pearly whites whitened back into their shiny selves! With time, and especially with the consumption of excessive amounts of sodas, sugars and foods that contain caffeine, the enamel of teeth can become yellow due to discolouration. This yellowing can increase over time and look like quite a horror. It affects smiles and the confidence of many, young and old.

Which is why, to reverse the effects of this discolouration, teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket have become often frequented places by those who wish to have their teeth whitened through laser techniques.

The benefits of visiting teeth whitening clinic are many. Read on to know how visiting a Teeth whitening clinic for a whitening session could benefit you!

A teeth whitening clinic ensures that the results that you get from a whitening session are long lasting. Since clinic whitening uses laser technique, the results are more effective than those from a bleach tray used at home.

Since a dentist in Newmarket performs procedures of teeth whitening, the process is bound to be smooth and pain free. All safety standards are expected to be adhered to, ensuring that no difficulties arise during the procedure.

All you have to do at a teeth whitening clinic is sit back and relax, and enjoy the procedure of your teeth getting back their original white sheen! Forget using clumsy bleach trays from supermarkets! At a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket, you don’t need to worry about a thing as a professional does all the work!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Visiting a Dentist’s Office? Here’s What You Need To Know!

If you are going to be visiting a dentist office in Newmarket anytime soon and are nervous about your visit, be assured that you are not alone. Millions of people around the world avoid visiting the dentist office for this very reason, many of who subsequently deteriorate the health of their teeth.

However, since you have taken the first step towards good oral health, there are some things that you could implement in order to ensure that your visit to the dentist office is a successful one. Here’s what you need to know before visiting a dentist in Newmarket.


  1. Have your Documents in Place

It is always a good idea to carry documents of your medical past along with you to a dentist office in Newmarket. This helps your dentist decide what kind of treatment or therapy would suit your body based on your medical history.


  1. Take Good Care of Your Teeth

This one is an imperative before you visit. It is absolutely necessary for your teeth to be in a clean condition right before you enter the dentist office in Newmarket. Carry a toothbrush and some mouthwash if you may, but it is beyond common courtesy to have a clean, fresh mouth before your appointment!


  1. Be Covered – Moneywise!

Another important factor while making that big visit is the fee. Remember that your insurance might cover most, but not every single treatment at the dentist office. So be sure that you carry alternate modes of payment. Dentist office in Newmarket these days are quite flexible with regard to payment options, so do not worry too much about what mode of payment you choose!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

How to Find a Good Dentist in Your Area?

If you have just moved to a new area, or if you are planning to relocate soon, you must pay attention to the kind of dental services available in your area. Dentists are highly trained professionals, and it is absolutely impossible to substitute the dental care provided by a dentist with another kind of medical professional. Thus make sure you are confident of the dental services provided in your area and establish a relationship with a good dental clinic in Newmarket that works for you. Neglecting oral health is one of the biggest crimes you could commit towards your body!

If you are looking for good dentists in Newmarket in your area and are not sure where to begin, do not worry. It can be a slightly daunting task to find a reputed dental expert in a new area. So here are some quick tips to finding that one dentist that will work for you and your family!

  1. Talk to your neighbours

Often times, it is your neighbours who can help you with the kind of dentist in Newmarket that is well known in the area. Not only will their recommendation matter in terms of who is a popular dentist, it will also perhaps come from their own personal experience and can be trusted.

  1. Narrow it down

Narrow down your preferences to a small list of dentists in Newmarket that can be of use to you and your family, if needed. Once you have a list, try and visit these dental clinics and see whether you feel comfortable with the dentist. You should have a suitable dentist in no time!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in  Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Here’s How You Can FindThe Perfect Dentist

For people who are settling in a new place, or are consulting a new dentist, it might be slightly tough to find a dentist in Newmarket that can match your requirements, and perhaps those of your family. However, it is possible if you are clear about how to approach a new dentist. There are some things that can make the process of visiting and consulting a new dentist easier for you and your family. These easy tips will make your life simpler, so read on!

  1. Before visiting a dentist, first and foremost, you need to have a clear record of your oral history. While it is best to carry your documents along, if the documents are not available, it is wise to let your dentist know of any medical procedures you have undergone in the past. This is going to help your dentist in Newmarket make informed choices about what dental procedures would suit you and would be okay to be performed.
  1. Talk to your dentist about your requirements

Have a good chat with your dentist in Newmarket, regarding what it is that you are looking for. If you need a dentist who can look after the oral health of other members in your family, it is best to chat with the dentist about these specifications.

  1. Ensure the dentist operates at convenient and accessible times

This one can really help you narrow it down to dentists in Newmarket who are accessible at times that work best for you. For dentists who are set up far from you, you might want to let them know about you time constraints so that a mutually convenient time can be fixed for your appointments.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Is Laser Teeth Whitening Safe?

These days teeth whitening in Newmarket is quite the craze. A nice, white smile reflects healthy teeth and an overall warmth. It is almost an imperative thus, that people take greater care of their teeth so as to maintain a good standard of hygiene. A number of teeth whitening options present themselves to people who wish to avail them for whiter teeth. These options range from in-house treatments that can be bought over-the-counter, to treatments done at a dental clinic under the supervision of a trained Dentist in Newmarket.

One such procedure, that can only be performed by a highly trained and experienced dental expert, is laser teeth whitening in Newmarket. This procedure entails the use of highly sensitive laser technology for longer lasting results. The end result is a visibly clear and whiter set of teeth that lasts for way longer than any over-the-counter treatment. While laser teeth whitening is costly, it is the most effective and has almost no side effects, since it is performed by an expert.

There are three simple things to consider while opting for laser teeth whitening in Newmarket :

  • It has no side effects. The heat from a laser is only used to quicken the process of teeth whitening by a bleach applied to every tooth. This bleach usually contains hydrogen peroxide.
  • It is safe and reliable as it is conducted by a certified specialist. Even in the case of any mishap, which is unlikely, a dentist is always present for first aid.
  • It is the most effective teeth whitening procedure in Newmarket and lasts longer than any of its alternatives.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

When to Call An Emergency Dentist

If you have recognised your need to have an emergency dentist’s number at hand, you are halfway through your journey into complete oral health. An emergency dentist in Newmarket can be a lifesaver, literally and otherwise. However, there are a couple of things you should know before you ring up your emergency dentist.

When do you visit your emergency dentist in Newmarket? What qualifies as an injury or an emergency in terms of dental health? The two most common oral emergency scenarios are listed below, find out whether your emergency qualifies as a serious one and warrants a visit to your emergency dentist.

  1. If the oral injury involves a broken tooth, it is probably best to hold onto your chipped tooth and visit an emergency dentist in Newmarket. While it may seem to most people that a chipped tooth cannot cause much harm, the impact of the injury could have caused damage to a nerve or to the gums that can only be adjudged by a professional. Thus, it is advisable to visit an emergency dentist if you have chipped a tooth.
  2. If the injury has left an internal bleeding, you must rush to your emergency dentist or a local hospital immediately. While for other cases the immediacy of the problem is not as high, in case of a bleeding that does not stop soon after the injury, it is advisable to rush to a good dentist in Newmarket. The internal bleeding could lead to blood loss, which can further complicate the situation. Thus, treat this with the utmost seriousness and visit your emergency dentist in Newmarket as soon as possible!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Teeth Whitening: At Home or the Clinic?

If you are considering undergoing a teeth whitening procedure, listen up. Whether it is a specific discolouration you want to target, or a yellowing of the enamel due to old age, or uneven patches post the removal of dental crowns or braces, there are quite a few solutions out there that could help you achieve a pearly white glisten. However there are quite a few things you need to keep in mind before making up your mind about how, when and where you want to undergo a teeth whitening in Newmarket procedure.


As one of the most common dental procedures today, teeth whitening has become a huge market. A lot of people are, despite the highly qualified and experienced dentists available to them, a little unsure about visiting a dentist for a teeth whitening in Newmarket procedure. They prefer doing it at home by using a teeth whitening kit that is available at almost every other supermarket today.

But is an in-home teeth whitening in Newmarket procedure actually more beneficial? Could there be any side effects?

Well, there is a major advantage that dental teeth whitening procedures done at a clinic have:

  1. They guarantee safety along with satisfactory results. Dental clinics in Newmarket adhere to the highest standards of safety that a patient could seek, which is why a procedure like teeth whitening, which involves the use of hydrogen peroxide and laser treatment, should be done at a clinic by a professional dentist.
  2. They provide satisfactory results. The results achieved at a clinic will definitely be more refined than results from a home kit. Thus for longer lasting whitening done by a professional adhering to the norms of safety, it is highly recommended that teeth whitening be done at a clinic by a good dentist in newmarket.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Do Kids need a different Dentist in Newmarket?

A common dilemma a lot of people face is whether they should look for a dentist in Newmarket specifically for their young child, or whether a regular dentist is the best option to treat any dental problems a kid might have. Well, there are certain areas that you need to consider while answering a potent question like this. Here are a few parameters that tell you why a kids dentist in Newmarket is probably a good idea.

  1. Pediatric dentists are trained in their field of expertise. After studying dentistry for years, they are specially trained to perform dental procedures on teeth that have not fully formed yet. For example, tooth extractions on temporary teeth is one of the things a kids dentist in Newmarket specialises in. It would be wise to seek a dentist specially trained to treat children’s teeth for such delicate treatments and procedures.
  2. Dentists who treat young children are also important as they can suggest preventive measures to parents, so that any potential deformities arising out of wrong dental habits can be avoided. For example, they can suggest measures to avoid prolonged thumb sucking and teething sores among young children, and infants.
  3. Dentists who specialise in children’s oral health are also careful in assessing whether the child might need teeth straightening in the future. Since kids dentist in Newmarket develop a special relationship with their young patients, they follow the oral health of their patients closely and can determine whether the child will need to undergo dental procedures in the future, and work towards gearing up the child for the same.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Your Comprehensive Guide On Root Canal by Dentist of Newmarket

One of the most common ways to save a badly damaged or infected tooth is by getting treatment for root canal in Newmarket. It is a process that involves removal of the pulp that is the infected area of the tooth. That is done by cleaning and disinfecting the pulp followed by filling and sealing of the tooth. The term root canal basically refers to cleaning of canals of the tooth.

What Should You Expect During Root Canal Procedure?

When you realise the need for root canal in Newmarket, you need to consult your dentist in Newmarket. A series of follow-up visits can be needed for the following:

  1. X-ray – The first step would be examination of the decayed site done by carrying out an X-ray. This will show up the site of decay that needs treatment.
  2. Anesthesia– Once the site of decay is found, local anaesthesia is provided to the infected tooth.
  3. Pulpectomy – In order to remove the decayed site, an opening is made.
  4. Filling and Sealing – The opened tooth then is filled with gutta-percha material once the damaged pulp is removed. It is later on sealed off and restored.


Following your root canal treatment, you need to give proper care to the restored tooth. Some of the ways of caring for the tooth are:

  1. Practising good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day and don’t forget to floss. Care for your restored tooth to avoid future problems.
  2. Visiting the dentist: After getting root canal in Newmarket, don’t forget to make regular visits to the dentist for examinations and cleanups.
  3. Not Chewing on hard foods: You must not chew on hard foods that can harm root canals.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.