
How Often Should You See a Dentist?

When its comes to visiting a dentist in Newmarket, most people fall short on taking adequate steps to ensure that their oral health is in good condition. While for a lot of people it is their busy schedules that lead to them neglecting their oral health, for many it’s the inadequacy of information that is provided to them. Thus a lot of people remain uninformed about how often they need to see a dentist, what kind of dentist to visit, and what are the procedures they might need to undergo. However, there is a general consensus among dentists regarding the guidelines to follow for good dental health. Here are two of the most important questions answered in order to get started on maintaining your pearly whites!


  1. How Often To Visit A Dentist?

Whether or not you are a beginner at oral health, the rule of the thumb dictates that at least two visits to a dentist in a year are a must. This is done as a preventive measure, to ensure that no insidious dental infections or cavities are present. However, this is the minimum. Most dentists in Newmarket recommend a more regular check up to ensure that the oral health is being tracked as per advisable guidelines.


  1. What Kind of Dentist to Visit?

This is an important factor, since many people are guilty of neglecting their oral health. For regular check ups, it is advisable that one seek a general dentist. A general dentist in Newmarket is trained to notice small errors in the dental habits of their patients. They are also best trained to determine what kind of dental specialist the patient needs to be referred to.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Do Kids need a different Dentist in Newmarket?

A common dilemma a lot of people face is whether they should look for a dentist in Newmarket specifically for their young child, or whether a regular dentist is the best option to treat any dental problems a kid might have. Well, there are certain areas that you need to consider while answering a potent question like this. Here are a few parameters that tell you why a kids dentist in Newmarket is probably a good idea.

  1. Pediatric dentists are trained in their field of expertise. After studying dentistry for years, they are specially trained to perform dental procedures on teeth that have not fully formed yet. For example, tooth extractions on temporary teeth is one of the things a kids dentist in Newmarket specialises in. It would be wise to seek a dentist specially trained to treat children’s teeth for such delicate treatments and procedures.
  2. Dentists who treat young children are also important as they can suggest preventive measures to parents, so that any potential deformities arising out of wrong dental habits can be avoided. For example, they can suggest measures to avoid prolonged thumb sucking and teething sores among young children, and infants.
  3. Dentists who specialise in children’s oral health are also careful in assessing whether the child might need teeth straightening in the future. Since kids dentist in Newmarket develop a special relationship with their young patients, they follow the oral health of their patients closely and can determine whether the child will need to undergo dental procedures in the future, and work towards gearing up the child for the same.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Your Comprehensive Guide On Root Canal by Dentist of Newmarket

One of the most common ways to save a badly damaged or infected tooth is by getting treatment for root canal in Newmarket. It is a process that involves removal of the pulp that is the infected area of the tooth. That is done by cleaning and disinfecting the pulp followed by filling and sealing of the tooth. The term root canal basically refers to cleaning of canals of the tooth.

What Should You Expect During Root Canal Procedure?

When you realise the need for root canal in Newmarket, you need to consult your dentist in Newmarket. A series of follow-up visits can be needed for the following:

  1. X-ray – The first step would be examination of the decayed site done by carrying out an X-ray. This will show up the site of decay that needs treatment.
  2. Anesthesia– Once the site of decay is found, local anaesthesia is provided to the infected tooth.
  3. Pulpectomy – In order to remove the decayed site, an opening is made.
  4. Filling and Sealing – The opened tooth then is filled with gutta-percha material once the damaged pulp is removed. It is later on sealed off and restored.


Following your root canal treatment, you need to give proper care to the restored tooth. Some of the ways of caring for the tooth are:

  1. Practising good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day and don’t forget to floss. Care for your restored tooth to avoid future problems.
  2. Visiting the dentist: After getting root canal in Newmarket, don’t forget to make regular visits to the dentist for examinations and cleanups.
  3. Not Chewing on hard foods: You must not chew on hard foods that can harm root canals.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Three Reasons You Need a Dentist in Newmarket at Hand!

Dental emergencies can occur at any time and may require immediate attention by a dental professional. At times an insidious malady could also be quietly settling itself in your mouth- such as a root canal or tooth decay, which could show itself at an unearthly hour and cause immense pain and discomfort, warranting a professional to check up. It is thus, no surprise, that having a good dentist in Newmarket at hand is an absolute necessity – knowing who to consult in case of an emergency can ease your mental anxiety regarding unwanted situations.

Here are two main reasons why having a dentist in Newmarket is an absolute must!

  1. Not seeking professional medical help at the moment of crisis can lead to worsening of the situation. For example, a traumatic dental injury could lead to excessive bleeding and swelling which can complicate the injury and make it difficult to handle. Having a family dentist in Newmarket at hand will ensure that you are taken care of, and the injury does not escalate.
  1. Only a dentist in Newmarket can take proper care of a dental emergency. A medical professional or nurse can only do so much, and a dental emergency would require full care of a dental specialist. There are some hospitals that are equipped with emergency dental surgery departments. In most cases, the medical doctor will refer you back to your dentist for a follow up after a dental trauma. Thus it is good to be familiar with a good dentist who can take care of you if need arises. Contact us if you are looking for a dental office in Newmarket who provides specialized care in emergencies.
  1. Children can have falls at schools all the time. Having an emergency dentist who you trust can save the hassle and headache of finding a new one at the last minute.


For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Why Choose Invisalign Over Braces?

Many young people who require a pair of braces to straighten their teeth out often ask whether invisalign in Newmarket is really a better option than braces. A number of factors like affordability, comfort and convenience, duration of wear need to be accounted for, before you decide whether you want to opt for Invisalign over regular braces. Read on as we give you all the answers you need!

Braces are made of metal and are glued to the teeth, and are additionally fastened using tiny rubber bands and wire. Invisalign, on the other hand, consists of aligner trays that are completely invisible. While braces show and might stand out, invisalign in Newmarket is completely obscure and does not affect one’s confidence while speaking.

Also, According to Dentists of Newmarket, metal braces are not removable and might severely affect not only a person’s confidence in public, but can also cause extreme pain in many cases. On the other hand, invisalign in Newmarket is a better option because it is removable and can be worn according the the wearer’s convenience. It does not affect the wearer’s appearance to any extent.

While braces require a an amount of maintenance, like avoiding a number of foods and dental habits, Invisalign does not require the wearer to give up their favourite food items as it is easily removable. There is no fear of food getting caught between the trays, as there is in the case of metal braces.

Finally, while wearing braces for a long period of time can cause discolouration of the enamel or even increased number of cavities, invisalign in Newmarket poses no such issue- it is flexible and is worn in accordance to the wearer’s discretion. For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

Three Kinds of Dentists in Newmarket

Have you ever wondered what are the three most common kinds of dentists in Newmarket? Prosthodontist, periodontist, orthodontist – do these names get you all tied up in knots? Don’t worry, help’s on the way!

It is true- there are some subdivisions in dentistry which affect a magnanimous amount of the population. It is therefore likely that you will encounter at least one of these three most popular kinds of dentists in your lifetime.

  1. General Dentist

A general dentist in Newmarket is usually oriented towards prevention. They are trained to prolong dental health. Apart from preventive services, though, they also work towards restorative dental health . The most commonly performed dental procedures by general dentists are teeth whitening, dental flossing, dental cleaning and cosmetic procedures.

  1. Orthodontist

An orthodontist is a kind of dentist in Newmarket who looks after the positioning of teeth and jaws. Their ultimate aim is to reposition any misaligned teeth so as to prevent further damage due to the misalignment. Orthodontists are particularly popular among young people, because it is the misalignment of newly emerging permanent teeth that they seek to correct.

  1. Endodontist

An endodontist is a dentist in Newmarket who specialises in the dental pulp, and his work is aimed at restoring dental health by ensuring the dental pulp is in good condition. Since they perform procedures on the pulp, which can be damaged due to a dental injury or trauma, they are especially popular for conducting root canals. Endo Dentistry has radically evolved over the past few years. Not only in times of emergencies, but endodontists are now even regularly consulted to ensure that the dental pulp is healthy and not rotting.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit https://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895-8031.

All About Teeth Whitening Procedure by Dentist in Newmarket

Dentist Newmarket – One surefire ways to change the appearance of your teeth for good is through teeth whitening in Newmarket. To remove staining of your teeth and brighten the smile, this procedure comes as a great rescue. In fact a lot of patients are opting for this dental treatment procedure that can be easily performed at a dental office or even home by patients. The only difference between professional teeth whitening and over-the-counter treatment is that stronger whitening agents are used in the former one and that is why the results as effective and speedy.

Should I Opt for Teeth Whitening?

Those experiencing discolouration and staining, despite having healthy gum and teeth, should opt for teeth whitening in Newmarket. It is best to schedule an appointment with a dentist and consult if teeth whitening is required or not. Patients whose teeth have recession of gums and are sensitive to whitening agents need to slightly careful and use extra vigilance before the procedure is done.

What Can I Expect During In-office Teeth Whitening?  

In-office Zoom Teeth whitening in Newmarket basically entails cleaning and polishing of teeth such that the debris is removed properly. Your dentist will make you comfortable before the procedure and will apply a gum blocker and then a whitening agent on the teeth and a blue light to activate it and let it remain there for some minutes. Later, they will remove it with water. This step may be repeated 2-3 times. You will be able to see the change in the shade at the end of the appointment.

What About Post-Treatment Care?

A little bit tooth sensitivity is normal for a person to experience following a teeth whitening session in Newmarket. It is crucial to avoid consuming pigmented drinks and food items, including wine and tea. Based on your results, you’ll be recommended use of at-home whitening kit.

For more information about East River Dental Careon Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

Ease Anxiety about Visiting a Dentist in New Market

Going to a dentist can be a source of immense anxiety for many. Thanks to the various media images that propagate a fear of the dentist in Newmarket, many, children and adults alike, despite a visit to get their pearly whites checked. While most of the times this fear is absolutely baseless and is just a figment is the mind’s overworking imagination, sometime-just sometimes!- getting a root canal or other such painful procedures can actually cause physiological anxiety in a patient. For those who suffer from anxiety at the mere thought of a visit to the dentist’s office, here are a few checkpoints to ensure you are not surprised when you are undergoing treatment in the chair!

  1. Make sure you are well informed about the procedure. The dentist of Newmarket must be openly informative and have no inhibitions in sharing information with you- the previous client! Be direct and demand information regarding everything that you think you need to know- why the procedure is being conducted, and even the dentist’s credentials!
  1. A patient who is well researched regarding the procedure will make the whole appointment easier for the dentist and the staff. Being well informed keeps us calm as we know what to expect during the procedure. You can go on our website to gain more information about the procedure ask any of our dental office staff and they can inform you of that same as well.
  1. Be acclimatized to your dentist in Newmarket if your dental anxiety is difficult to manage. Look around, come early, make yourself comfortable and ensure that you are mentally at ease when you walk into the office.

If none of these ideas work, we can offer to complete the procedure with laughing gas or oral sedatives, which can help reduce the anxiety as well.

For more information about East River Dental Care, one of the dentists in Newmarket, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

Tips on finding the Best Emergency Dentist Around

Have you just moved to a new area? Or have you just welcomed a child into the world? Or even still, has an acquaintance’s terrible experience with a dentist during an emergency made you aware of the importance of knowing a dentist you can consult during an emergency? Whatever be the reason, look no further. There are a few things you need to keep in mind while looking for an emergency dentist in your area. Read on to learn how to narrow down to the best emergency dentist in Newmarket.

  1. Make sure that your top choices of dentists are well qualified and have maximal experience in their field. Not all emergency dentists in Newmarket have the same experience, so make sure that the dentist you go for has relevant experience in treating cases of emergencies well.
  1. Make sure that your dental office in Newmarket is available in the evening and weekends in case an emergency occurs. Some dentists leave their cell phone numbers on the voicemail in case the office is closed and an emergency occurs. Dental professionals have an obligation to patients and should be available for emergencies even if it means coming in on a Sunday for a root canal.
  1. Talk to other patients who have received treatment from your choices of an emergency dentist in Newmarket– they can provide the best information regarding their experience and help you decide on which professional you would like to consult in case of an emergency.

Having an emergency dentist Newmarket contact at hand can be really helpful, and is a must, so be careful and elaborate while looking for your pick! For more information about East River Dental Care, one of the dentists in Newmarket, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

Avoiding Hassles at a Dental Clinic -Dentist Newmarket

Dentist Newmarket – If you are visiting, or are soon going to visit, a dental clinic, you need to be prepared for a few things. Apart from a routine check up, a dental clinic in Newmarket must offer several other services, like scaling and routine polishing of teeth. Preventive dentistry is as important as post-diagnosis care!

While looking for a dentist to cover your dental needs, have a look at some checkpoints you should cover before visiting a dental clinic:

  1. Bring your insurance information with you or any alternate means of payment ready. To expedite the process, print out the new patient forms from our website, fill them out and bring them with you to your appointment.
  1. Carry your documents, including transcripts of your previous dental records with full details including x-rays if possible. Not having access to the former can cause a delay dental treatment. In case you don’t have any information, fear not, we can start a new chart and get the information from your previous dentist.
  1. Be informed, prepared and comfortable. This entails that you understand the purpose of your visit and are fully prepared to undertake your role as a patient. Reasonably alleviate any anxiety you think you might be developing because you are in good hands and will be taken care of.

For more information about East River Dental Care, one of the dentists in Newmarket, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

3 Steps to Choosing Your Perfect Dentist – Dentist Newmarket

Dentist Newmarket – For many, choosing a dentist can be a daunting task. Not only because we all hold on to our fears about what happens on the dentist’s chair, but mostly because the entire process of looking for a dentist who will match your requirements and be a perfect on call dentist can be tedious and subject to many constraints. However, whether it is your big move to a new place, dissatisfaction with your existing dentist, or just an awareness that you need a professional to take care of your pearly whites, there are some things you need to consider while looking for your choice of dentists in Newmarket.

Here are a few:

Know your Requirement

The first and foremost step is evaluating your requirements. Do you need a family dentist or someone who specializes in a specific treatment? Before anything else, you need to understand the scope of your need and go on to look for dentists in Newmarket who specialize in your area of requirement.

Ask for Recommendations

The next most important step is to ask around, friends, family, and acquaintances, for their recommendation on their favorite dentists in Newmarket. Keep in mind the fact that their recommendations could be subject to their own need.

Meet your Dentist

Make an appointment for free 15 min consultation and meet your preferred specialist and discuss your requirements with them. Interview them, and if needed, undergo a routine checkup with the dentist to see if they are a good fit.

For more information about East River Dental Care, one of the dentists in Newmarket, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

What are the Daily Duties and Responsibilities of a Dentist?

Dentists are the doctors of oral health who provide treatment for teeth and gums and perform preventive care for good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene in turn prevents periodontal and gum diseases. This is the reason why people usually visit dentists in Newmarket at least twice a year for checkups and cleanings. So, if you want to become a dentist but are not sure about the duties and responsibilities, here’s a lowdown for your ease:

  • Dental Cleanings

Dentists in Newmarket need to examine the teeth and gums of their patients and diagnose oral diseases. Their duty is to perform a dental checkup and look for any potential signs of tooth decay or gum disorders. It is only under the guidance of a dentist that the oral diseases are examined and proper treatment is worked out.

  • Extractions and Treatments

Another major responsibility of dentists in Newmarket is to perform extractions as well as provide treatment for periodontal diseases. They treat tooth conditions by performing various procedures such as root canals, fillings, and other cosmetic work. Dentists also perform surgeries to treat gum diseases and remove tooth decay. If required under any treatment procedure, they also administer anaesthesia.

  • Additional Testing

After diagnosing the early warning signs in mouth, dentists have to suggest X-rays and other diagnostic tests to the patients. Then under their direction, the dental hygienists will conduct these tests. Depending on these tests, dentists would then diagnose the condition and perform required treatment.

These are some of the major duties and responsibilities of dentists in Newmarket. They teach patients about aspects of dental care, properly brushing, flossing, and even diet.

For more information about East River Dental Care, one of the dentists in Newmarket, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

Straighten Teeth In Style with Invisalign

Dentist Newmarket – If you have been struggling with the crooked teeth for a along time and are confused about what all treatment options are available with you then this blog is definitely going to be of some great help for you. You must have heard of the most popular treatment for crooked teeth, i.e. Metal braces, but you are too scared of taking this up as it will bring you a lot of embarrassment for a long period of time. You need not to worry anymore as there is a modern crooked teeth treatment that can bring your sweet smile back without any embarrassment and its called Invisalign. Treatment for invisalign in Newmarket is the best thing you can look for at a dentist near you tog et rid of your crooked teeth forever.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the most advanced teeth straightening treatment that uses clear aligners, which are made specifically as per the jaw size of every patient, so that the patient’s teeth can be moved gently in the required position. Patients can easily remove these aligners and because they are made from clear material, they remain invisible to the onlookers. This means you can go through the entire invisalign in Newmarket treatment without being worried of your braces being noticed by the others and bringing embarrassment to you. These aligners used in invisalign treatment are very much comfortable to wear as they are perfectly smooth and do not bring irritation to your gums.

With invisalign in Newmarket it has become easier for young children to get their crooked teeth treated without being ashamed of their braces that make them a center of bully for other students. However, finding the rich dentist for your invisalign treatment is the most important thing for you as only a professional and experienced dental officer can provide advanced invisalign treatment.

For more information, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

Confused about Selecting good Dental Office: Read This

Finding a dental office near to your home can sometimes be a cumbersome task. To improvise on it, we can say that finding a professional and specialised dental office near home can be a difficult task as anyone can be a dentist but not all can perform difficult dental treatments like root canal with ease and perfection.

If you are looking for a dental office in your area or at any other nearby place, then there must some questions gripping your mind. Searching the right dentist in Newmarket is not something that you can do easily. There must be some questions in your mind if you are in search of a well qualified and experienced dentist office in Newmarket.

Here are the few key points that you must keep in mind while locating a dentist office in Newmarket.

The qualification of the dentist is the first and foremost thing that you must see while looking for one. His experience certificates and licenses from the country where he/she has practiced are the second most important thing to check out for. Look for their credentials either on their website or at the most feasible resource you can trust. Also, you must only visit the dentist office in Newmarket where you can feel comfortable in the company of your dentist and can share your problem freely.

Another important aspect is its vicinity from your area. The dentist office in Newmarket that you are looking for must be conveniently located from your place so that it can offer extended emergency services to its patients. Low cost, affordability, advanced techniques and tools, proper infrastructure, etc. Are some of the other key factors that you must never over look while finding the right kind of dentist office in Newmarket for all your dental needs. For more information, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.

Why To Look For Nearby Dental Office In Newmarket

A dental emergency can happen at any time and anywhere. You will not get any heads up on it or it will not give you prior information before coming. Just like any other emergency, dental problems can also be accounted as an emergency situation if the pain is unbearable. Though we keep contacts of a general physician, plumber, fireman, ambulance, etc. Handy, we often forget to keep a dentist in Newmarket contact handy as we do not take them as an emergency contact.

When it comes to doctors and physicians, we often take our favorites and once who we trust completely. Sometimes your trusted dental office in Newmarket could be situated far away from your place and the critical situation is so grave that you cannot even wait to reach there and need immediate service by an emergency dentist in Newmarket. Even though you are getting your dental problems treated by your old dentist office Newmarket, its better to keep the leads of nearby dental offices handy so that you can contact in emergency situations.

If you are not well aware of the local dentist offices in Newmarket then consider checking with your local hospital or dental school. They must be having some strong and experienced leads to help you out. Second option is to check online for the nearby dentist office Newmarket. Online you can not only find the dentist but can also see what all services they have on offer and how affordable they are. In case you are looking for a specialized dentist office in Newmarket then also the internet can come as a handy tool for you. Having these numbers only keeps you prepared for the situations where you have no time to travel and reach your physician for quick treatment and relief. For more information, visit http://www.eastriverdental.com/ or call on 905-895- 8031.