
Your To-Do Before Visiting a Teeth Whitening Clinic

It’s no surprise that teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket is all the rage these days. The benefit of having your teeth professionally cleaned and whitened without having to do a lot yourself is worth every penny. Also, teeth whitening clinics have come up in such a big way that it is easy to find a teeth whitening clinic around you that is run by dental professionals.

If you are one of those people who are going to get your teeth done professionally at a teeth whitening clinic, then you might be concerned about what you can do before visiting a dentist office in Newmarket, in order to ensure that your process at the teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket is smooth and hassle free.

Well, firstly, there are not a lot of things that you need to do. At a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket, the dentist applies a whitening agent on your teeth after cleaning your teeth. The process of whitening is quickened by using a laser light, which effectively makes the process way quicker. So, needless to say, all you need to do is sit back and relax!

If there are some things that you can remember, check these out:

1. Remember to always avoid caffeine before and after your visit to the teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket. Caffeine is a criminal when it comes to staining the enamel of your teeth!

2. Try to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Fresh celery, apples and strawberries are highly recommended as they are natural enhancers of the whiteness of your teeth.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

Taking Your Kid to a Kids Dentist Office Newmarket

It can be quite a task to take your kids to the a dental office in Newmarket for a visit. Whether it is a regular check up, which is required to ensure that your kids’ teeth are in good condition, or a visit that must be made, as part of an ongoing treatment, there is no way in which a visit for your kids to the kids dentist office in Newmarket should be avoided.

Kids Dentist Service Office Newmarket

However, it can be a major hassle to get your kids ready to visit a kids dentist office in the first place. Sometimes kids just throw tantrums and sometimes it can point to anxiety that they have about visiting a kids dentist office in Newmarket. Regardless, you need to ensure that your do your bit to find a kids dentist office that you can take your kid to.

Here are some things you can keep in mind:

1. Remember that a kids dentist office that is near you is perhaps the best option, because it can be quite a hassle to commute to a kids dentist office in Newmarket that is far away, when you have an unruly kid throwing tantrums with you.

2. It is also recommended that you look for an experienced kids dentist office in case your kid suffers from anxiety about visiting the clinic. An experienced dentist will be better able to manage your kid.

3. Thirdly, ensure that you keep your kid comfortable and informed about the visit to the kids dentist office in Newmarket. Any surprises will probably not be welcome by your kid!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

Invisalign for Teens and Adults – Newmarket, Ontario

Invisalign aligners are meant both for teens and adults. These virtually invisible aligners wouldn’t interfere with the day to day lives of your younger ones and will ensure their bright smile all the time. No wonder Invisalign in Newmarket is such a rage!

InvisalignTreatment Newmarket

No Pain

Invisalign is preferred by Dentist in Newmarket over other options and braces because they are not only easily removable, but they are also pain less. It is one of the most popular teeth-straightening methods that uses a series of plastic trays to fill gaps between the teeth and straighten them. It is best for improving your smile in the most natural way!


Usually marked improvement in the appearance of mouth can be seen within 3-4 months. In some cases, however, the changes can be seen only within 6 months. If one wants to make sure that the results are long-lasting and permanent, it is important for them to wear retainers for a long period of time.

For the teens, there isn’t any other better option as with invisalign in Newmarket, they can go to school, college, dates, in fact anywhere they want fuss-free. No one will ever get to know about the invisalign aligners. You don’t even have to worry about eating popcorn’s or apples as they won’t get stuck in the aligners unlike braces. All you got to do is remove aligners before eating. Other than that, taking care of them is equally easy. You brush and floss them as you would do on your teeth. It’s that easy!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

What Kind of Toothbrush do Dentists in Newmarket Recommend?

When it comes to choosing toothbrushes and toothpastes, there are quite a few things that dentists recommend that a person consider before settling for a combination that suits them well. While you might think that all toothbrushes are the same, and it does not matter which toothbrush you use, dentists in Newmarket warn that using the wrong kind of toothbrush could actually cause a lot of problems, including pain and swelling in the gums. So in order to choose the correct toothbrush, dentists in Newmarket recommend you look at a few things and then buy the correct toothbrush according to your need!

Toothbrush Recommend by Newmarket Dentist

1. Toothbrush with Soft vs. Hard Bristles

A toothbrush which has soft bristles is usually recommended by dentists, as it is easy on the gums and effectively cleans plaque and other debris without damaging the enamel or the gums. Barrie dentists recommend that you only go for a hard bristled toothbrush if it has been suggested to you. It is also advised by dentists worldwide that very little pressure be used when using a hard bristled toothbrush.

2. Manual vs. Electric Toothbrush

 A manual toothbrush works just as well as an electricity powered toothbrush, although dentists at Dentist office in Newmarket do suggest the latter for easy and fun cleaning! Also, since electric toothbrushes do not require a lot of effort, they might be more effective in removing plaque. Nevertheless, using an electric or manual toothbrush is totally your choice!

Dentists in Newmarket recommend that as long as you clean your teeth properly, what toothbrush you use depends only on your convenience.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Thoughts Kids Have at the Kids Dentist

Ever thought what your kid might be feeling on her way to the dentist office in Newmarket? Often when kids are taken to the kids dentist they might throw tantrums and in some extreme cases, they might show signs of anxiety. While such signs are not uncommon to find at the kids dentist, in some cases you must look out for when the signs become too pronounced and might signify a more serious fear or anxiety that your kid might have about visiting the kids dentist in Newmarket.

Here are some symptoms that your kid might show if she has anxiety about visiting a kids dentist in Newmarket, and here’s what you can do about it!

1.  Shows extremely rude or unprecedented behavior, including behaving in ways that she/he doesn’t usually behave in. This includes throwing tantrums and screaming, crying or generally acting out on the way to the kids dentist in Newmarket. In such a scenario, try not to force your kid to go to the kids dentist. Instead, try and make the experience better by talking to your kid and explaining what happens at the kids dentist and why going there is necessary.

2.  Hides or runs away just before it’s time to leave for the appointment at the kids dentist. Hiding or trying to avoid the visit is another kind of behavior that shows resentment towards the visit. Similar to the above case, talking in a calm and reassuring manner is the best and most effective solution.

Try to get the kids dentist in Newmarket to talk to your kid to alleviate her/his fears. Also ensure that your kid can see you and hold your hand while the kids dentist examines.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Teeth Whitening at Home- Yes or No?

Who doesn’t want a set of shiny, pearl like teeth? In this day and age, it is common to find people who go in for procedures that provide long lasting, effective and visibly clear results when it comes to teeth whitening in Newmarket. However, if you are looking for home remedies, there are some home remedies that are recommended that you try at home to give your teeth a minimally brighter appearance. These try-at-home remedies might be effective on some, while they might not be as effective on others.

  1. When it comes to teeth whitening in Newmarket, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind so that your results are as desired. For example, the first important element is the enamel of your teeth. The enamel is what causes yellowing, or fading, leading to an overall dull appearance. It is important that you examine and see what the extent of damage is, to the enamel. A popular home remedy, using lemon juice for teeth whitening, is not recommended by dentists in Newmarket as it damages the enamel. Instead, a professional teeth whitening in Newmarket is more likely to give you better results.


  1. Another popular home remedy employs toothpastes and mouthwashes that sell over-the-counter. Teeth whitening toothpastes might show visible results over a span of a week or so, but the results are definitely not long lasting and fade away with time.

Thus, while teeth whitening remedies at home might be effective to an extent, for better results, it is best that you go in for a procedure performed by an experienced professional.


For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.


What Are the Most Common Questions Dentists Answer?

When is comes to any medical practice, let alone dentists in Newmarket, every medical professional, like a regular doctor or an oncologist often has to answer questions that their patients’ have. These range from simple questions about their regular dental health, to questions that might be more serious and have to do with any dental or medical procedure that they are going to undergo in the future.

When it comes to questions that dentists frequently have to answer, there are perhaps two of the most common ones. Here are some with, answered by experienced dentists in Newmarket:

1.  Do permanent teeth grow back?                                                                                                       Once milk teeth, the replaceable kinds, are gone and give way to permanent teeth, it is extremely difficult for permanent teeth to be replaced in case of an injury or mishap that causes them to break, chip or completely be severed from the gums. Thanks to modern technology, however, new solutions have come up which allow for artificial teeth to be implanted so that a discernible gap is not visible and does not spoil your perfect smile! Sometimes it is possible to put the old tooth back in place as well, so ensure that you keep it with you on your way to the dentists office in Newmarket.

2. What kind of toothbrush should I use?

The kind of toothbrush you need depends on the kind of dental state you are in. For example, if you suffer from sore or bleeding gums, dentists in Newmarket usually recommend using a toothbrush with soft bristles that ensure care without being harsh.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Signs You Need to Rush to a Dental Clinic

There are quite a few cases when it is necessary to visit a dental clinic in Newmarket, but the most pressing and urgent of those is when you need to visit a dental clinic due to an injury. A dental injury can occur at any age, and almost everyone is susceptible to it. Moreover, a dental injury encompasses a huge variety of dental accidents that could vary from small injuries to major ones, requiring immediate medical attention.

In case you or someone that you know has suffered a dental injury, you must immediately rush to your nearest dentist office in Newmarket for a quick first aid and redressal of any major issues lurking behind the injury. This crucial step can save a lot of time and effort later on.

Through these signs you can determine whether you need to consult a dentist in Newmarket immediately in case of an injury:

1. In case the bleeding is incessant and does not stop despite applying ice packs to the injured area. Sometimes the bleeding is normal and can stop on it’s own, through the clotting of blood, but if it does not stop and seems abnormal, you must visit a dental clinic immediately.

2. In case a tooth has chipped, you may visit a dental clinic in Newmarket at your own convenience. But if a tooth has broken, treat it as a dental emergency and rush to your nearest dental clinic!

3. If the wound is extremely painful, there might be an internal damage to the gums or bones which needs to be examined by a dentist in Newmarket immediately, so rush to your dental clinic to avoid complications.

Questions to Ask Before Visiting a Teeth Whitening Clinic!

If you are one of those people concerned about your smile, (and who isn’t!), then you must have come across a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket, a place specifically designed to deliver effective whitening of teeth for people who desire a clean and healthy smile. A teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket is known as being one of the most effective and efficient options when it comes to teeth whitening. Apart from this, it is also the safest and ensures that nothing of any harm can occur while the treatment for whitening and bleaching is being administered.
There are a few commonly asked questions that must be considered before planning a visit to the teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket. Some of these pertain to the process of teeth whitening, while some of these have to do with more pressing medical issues. To know the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions, read on!

Q. How long does a teeth whitening procedure last?

At a professional teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket, a teeth whitening procedure does not last very long. It could take just a few hours for your new smile to be revealed!

Q. Can anyone get a teeth whitening procedure done?

Almost anyone can reap the benefits of a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket. In rare cases, due to a medical history, some people might not be medically fit for the procedure.

Q. Does it hurt?

At a teeth whitening clinic, when done professionally by Dentists in Newmarket, the procedure tingles but doesn’t hurt at all!


For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.


How to Take Your Reluctant Kid to the Kids Dentist Office?

Often times kids can be a pain, especially when it comes to taking them for regular medical check ups and routine visits to a doctor. While it is normal for kids to act out in certain cases, it is also necessary for you to take them to a kids dentist office in Newmarket in order for a kids dentist to examine their teeth and overall dental health.

If your kids are reluctant about going to the kids dentist office in Newmarket, you might have to take certain steps to ensure that they feel comfortable at a kids dentist office and do not continuously avoid such visits. If neglected for too long, your kids might take to throwing tantrums about visiting a kids dentist office.

Take these steps and ensure that your kid is not reluctant about visiting a dentist office in Newmarket and does not cause problems.

1.  Show your kid interactive videos which explain the need to visit a dentist in newmarket and what happens at the kids dentist office in Newmarket. This might be useful in helping your kid understand the purpose of the visit.

2.  Reward your kid with a treat every time he behaves well at the kids dentist office. This will reinforce his will to visit the kids dentist office in Newmarket and he will not be as troubled by these visits as he was before.

3.  Try and get a few demo visits to the kids dentist office in Newmarket, where you just sit with your kid as the dentist examines his teeth. Hold his hand if necessary, to comfort him and let him know of your presence.

Dental First Aid Before Visiting a Dentist

While a dentist is usually visited for routine check ups and when undergoing dental procedures, sometimes a dental emergency can also warrant a visit to the dentist. In a case of an injury that causes bleeding or inflammation, or any other adverse symptoms which require being immediately looked at by a dentist office, the best one can do is ensure the situation does not get worse before visiting the dentist.

It is advisable that during a dental emergency, one rush to the nearest dentist office in Newmarket and book an appointment without delay. In some cases, for example, waiting on the injury can lead to irreparable damage.

So what exactly should you do when you are about to visit a dentist in Newmarket in an emergency? Here’s a list of guidelines that you could follow in order to ensure that the emergency is kept within safe limits and is only treated by a professional dentist.

1. If the dental emergency is an injury, ensure that the bleeding, if any, is absorbed by a gauze or any clean, sterilized cloth. Trying to stop the bleeding is important, as excessive bleeding can lead to loss of precious blood that will clot the wound.

2. If the damage is to a tooth, especially if an adult tooth is damaged and comes out, try to preserve the tooth and carry it with you to the dentist. In most cases, a dentist in Newmarket is able to reattach the tooth.

3. If there is excessive pain and/or inflammation in the mouth due to an ongoing dental procedure like a root canal, it is advisable that you book an appointment with your regular dentist only. If your regular dentist in Newmarket is not available during the night, then keep an emergency dentist’s number at hand.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Signs You Might Need a Root Canal

A lot of people live with the fear of getting any kind of dental procedure performed upon them, while a whole lot of others live without knowing that they might need an urgent or necessary dental procedure. Thankfully, a root canal therapy entails more than ignorance, since the signs that someone needs a root canal in Newmarket are usually obvious.

The signs that a root canal therapy is needed are often discernible to the patient. Symptoms like extreme pain and signs of swelling and infection are the first indicators that something is wrong. These signs, however, obviously vary from person to person. For example, some people experience a lot of pain but not a lot of swelling, while for some people the inflammation trumps the pain. A dentist in Newmarket always questions the patient surrounding the onset, duration and other factors weighing in on the appearance of the symptoms before deciding whether a root canal in Newmarket is needed.

If you are unsure whether to visit a Dentist Office in Newmarket for a root canal in Newmarket, but are sure that you might be experiencing some of the symptoms, look out for the following to know whether an appointment with the endodontist is urgent for you or not:

  1. Severe toothache, occurring especially during meal times, and when eating something hard.
  2. Discoloration of the tooth, especially one that doesn’t look like one caused due to a ruptured enamel could signify a root canal is needed.
  3. Extreme sensitivity in the affected tooth and surrounding areas, especially when the area is exposed to hot or cold foods.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895-8031.

Is Invisalign Safe?

Misaligned and protruding teeth, believe it or not, are one of the most common reasons for which people visit a dentist in Newmarket. Protruding teeth not only look strange, but they may also restrict the way for other teeth to grow and can cause problems in chewing later on. This is why dentists recommend getting misaligned teeth on the path to straightening them out immediately. Orthodontists often suggest that pre-adolescence and adolescence are the best time for this dental procedure.

However, it is not just the young who face this problem. Often times, and embarrassingly so, adults have to deal with protruding teeth which affects their overall confidence and self-esteem.

The answer to their problems? Invisalign.

Invisalign in Newmarket used a clear tray that is developed through an impression of the wearer’s mouth and positioning of teeth in it. It slowly adjusts the teeth back into position for a healthier, straighter smile.
However, a lot of people have their qualms about Invisalign. Is it safe, they ask? While safety is definitely an important issue in this regard, rest assured, Invisalign in Newmarket is absolutely safe and as effective, if not more, than regular braces which use metal and rubber to pull the teeth back into position.
Invisalign does not have any side effects. In fact, unlike with regular braces, Invisalign does not even require a few teeth to be pulled out before the procedure of straightening can be started.
Invisalign in Newmarket works invisibly and can be worn by anyone eligible for the procedure. It ensures a bright smile in no time, and without any possible dangers, as it does not require extra maintenance!

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street inNewmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

Is Visiting a Teeth Whitening Clinic Worth My Time?

If you are concerned about yellowing teeth and how it is affecting your self-esteem and confidence, then you surely have heard of a teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket. A teeth whitening clinic is what has taken the world by storm. It is a one stop solution for all dental problems relating to teeth that are yellowing or are suffering the effects of aging.

Yellowing of teeth occurs due to a natural process, whereby the enamel of the teeth thins down and wears out, making the teeth appear yellow. In other cases, discoloration occurs due to a similar process. Protecting the enamel is thus extremely important, as it affects the overall color the teeth take.

A teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket is dedicated to ensuring that your smile is overall healthy and glowing and that your teeth are evenly colored white.

However, a lot of people naturally have questions regarding whether a teeth whitening clinic is worth their time or not. Just like many other advertisements and fads, a teeth whitening clinic might seem like any other trend, but it is far from one! Here is why:

  1. A teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket is, hands down, your best bet when it comes to ensuring your teeth are back to their pristine condition in no time. It is totally dedicated to providing results as quickly as possible.
  2. A teeth whitening clinic also employs safe and effective methods, performed by a Dentist in Newmarket who has experience in the field. Any unlikely emergency can be averted.
  3. A teeth whitening clinic in Newmarket gives the most long-lasting results when it comes to teeth whitening.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street in Newmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.

How Often Should You Visit a Dentist Office as an Adolescent?

Adolescence is the time for young adults to be carefree and to enjoy their lives to the fullest. However, sometimes, adolescents tend to ignore the need to visit a dentist office in Newmarket, which doesn’t mean that they do not have to follow up on their oral health through regular visits to the dentist office in Newmarket!

In fact, as some dentists suggest, it is imperative that adolescents visit a dentist office in Newmarket more regularly, as their bodies are going through a change which needs to be monitored, or it could lead to complications. For example, excessive consumption of junk food, including sodas that are extremely high in sugar, can damage not just the enamel and lead to yellowing and discolouration of teeth, but can also lead to cavities. In which case, visiting a dentist in Newmarket becomes a necessity. So it is advised that adolescents visit a dentist office regularly for check-ups and to ensure that everything is fine with their teeth.

How often should adolescents visit a dentist in Newmarket? This is where one must pay attention, as it varies from person to person.

  1. For a regular adolescent, it is advised that they visit a dentist office once in every four to six months, as it is advised to adults.
  2. For adolescents who have had dental issues in the past, including cavities or other problems, it is advised that they visit a dentist more regularly.
  3. For adolescents with protruding teeth, they must visit an orthodontist as per their scheduled visits. The dentist office in Newmarket often makes a schedule for people undergoing orthodontic treatment, which they must adhere to.

For more information about East River Dental Care on Davis Drive east of Yonge Street inNewmarket, visit www.eastriverdental.com or call on 905-895- 8031.